The EFHURT™ Program is exclusive to RX Gym Inc.

Each class will focus on a specific mindset and physical target.


Class Structure

Each day you will focus on a specific mindset and physical targets, but the
sessions will follow a consistent structure:

Warm Up (5-10 minutes)

We will stretch, utilize our Concept 2 equipment to activate the heart rate,
and go thru barbell movement patterns to stimulate our bodies in
preparation of the daily skills and workout.

Athletic Capacity Session (10-15 minutes)

Olympic Lifting, Gymnastics, Double Barrel Workout

Our lift days will focus on technique and consistency. Other days you will concentrate on your challenging gymnastics movements. “Double Barrel” days are the days you experience two workouts per class, the first one surrounding a “sprint” mentality.

Daily Task (5-30 minutes)

Each daily task (formally known as WOD: “workout of the day”) is specifically designed to stimulate the mindset goal of the day. Every session will have clear performance objectives tailored to each individual’s ability and performance level so you can deliver your absolute best every day.


As soon as you enter any RX Gym Inc facility you’ll know that you’re about to finally receive the fitness experience you’ve been looking for and deserve!

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